Now Open!

All-Day Kindergarten

We are considering offering this program pending community interest

Our Kindergarten classroom supports families who have chosen to enroll their child in our all-day kindergarten program. This all-day program is ‘play based’ with a focus on Early literacy and learning which includes guided reading, writing, recognizing sight words and printing. The children will also have a strong foundation in math and science. Our overall goal is to make an easier transition to Grade One.We have a certified elementary teacher and a Registered Early Childhood Educator, and our program is the Full Day Kindergarten Curriculum established by the school board, but with smaller class sizes and a better child/teacher ratio.

JK/SK Before and After School:

This program is offered to children attending school part of the day. Transportation is provided to many of the area schools. Please call for the Supervisor to confirm if your child’s school is on our transportation list.

Schedule & Program:

The programs offer education through play opportunities as well as group projects to support milestone development and early literacy and math skills. All our schedules are flexible and foster the children’s areas of interest. A weekly program plan is posted which outlines the details of the children’s daily activities and highlights all areas of development through various learning centers such as, creative art, dramatic play, science, sensory, etc. A monthly calendar is sent home with each child focusing on special events (ie. pajama day), trips (ie. apple orchard), guests (ie. musical theater company) and opportunities for parental involvement (ie. share your culture). A copy of the daily routine is also available upon request.

Daily Communication:

You, as the parent, are the real expert on your child. Daily communication with the teachers is very important. Losing a tooth, a family pet passing away or Mommy / Daddy off on a business trip can have an impact on your child.

Our new app, HiMama, allows for even easier communications between educators and parents.

Meals and Snacks:

Meals and snacks are enjoyed in our lunchroom. For more information about our dietary staff and menus, please refer to our nutrition section.

Join the Waiting List

If you are interested in placing your child on our wait list, please click here and fill out the Waitlist form and check off the program that you are registering your child for.  The Supervisor will contact you a few months before the opening to inform you if you have a spot and if a deposit will be required to secure the space.
Child Care Careers Opportunities in York Region

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Full-Time Permanent Staff (RECE, ECE Assistants, Break Staff) and Supply Staff opportunities available. Email Jenny to receive more information.